Can the fibula be removed?

The fibular bone runs on the outside of the leg from the knee joint to the ankle joint. It is a small thin bone that can be entirely removed without affecting your ability to bear weight.

Click to see complete answer. In this way, what happens when fibula is removed?

Removing this bone from your leg does not change your ability to walk or carry weight. What happens during the surgery? Your surgeon will remove the fibula (the flap) and two blood vessels: one that supplies blood to the flap and one that drains blood from the flap.

One may also ask, do you need surgery for a broken fibula? The treatment of a fractured fibula depends on the severity of the injury and whether or not additional injuries have occurred in association with the fracture. Isolated fibula fractures usually heal quickly and do not require surgery, especially if the break occurs in the upper half of the bone.

Moreover, can fibula heal on its own?

A broken fibula may be very painful, but sitting on the couch and letting it heal on its own is probably not the best approach. While your fibula—the long, thin outside bone of your lower leg—is healing, you should stay mobile through the use of a walking boot for faster recovery.

How long does a fibula fracture take to heal?

In general, recovery for a tibia/fibula fracture takes about three to six months while stress fractures usually take six to eight weeks. The healing time can be quicker by taking the right steps.