Does Redis support SQL?

You cann't use SQL in Redis because it is a memory Database, which unlike most of relational Databases. Please check the documention, that will help you to use it.

Read everything about it here. Likewise, people ask, can you query Redis?

While Redis is best suited for use cases like cache, queues, and leaderboards - it is possible to use Redis in front of a MySQL database. Doing this can improve overall query performance, while still allowing you to execute complex queries.

Likewise, when should you not use Redis? We will not want to use Redis for use cases like these:

  1. Storing large amounts of data in a single string value (e.g. the most recent feed contents for each user).
  2. Storing data across two or more dimensions (e.g. a score for each (user, topic) pair).
  3. Storing data that requires queries with high time complexity.

Besides, is Redis a SQL or NoSQL?

The short answer is yes. Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store. There are actually 4 different kinds of NoSQL database types, which include: Document Databases – (MongoDB) These DBs usually pair each key with a complex data structure which is called a document.

Is Redis faster than SQL?

If you're going to be needing an SQL "JOIN" then you won't want to use Redis, nor any other non-relational database. Redis is faster though than most relational databases. If you're only going to be doing key:value pair queries, then you'll want to use Redis.