How did New technology change life in the United States during the American Renaissance?

How did new technology change life in the United States during the American Renaissance? New technology created new industries, new jobs, and plenty of economical profit. Some of the created technologies were the telegraph, steel plow, and the reaper.

Full answer is here. Besides, what role did the Italian Renaissance play in the coming of the English Renaissance?

"Renaissance" means rebirth. The Italian Renaissance was the rebirth of culture and interest in classics during the English Renaissance. England grew more powerful as a nation and absorbed and renewed England ideas.

Secondly, which famous American writer explored the dark side of the wilderness and nature? Henry David Thoreau

Herein, in what way did Walt Whitman represent the American voice?

His style incorporated the plain & the elegant, the High & the low, he foreign & the native.

What does the word harpies suggest about their motives in demolishing the ship?

Harpies are greedy people, or those who want the ship demolished. The use of the word harpies shows that the motives of these people are not necessarily good and just, but rather selfish.