How do I control flies in my compost?

Flies are attracted to vegetable and fruit peels, so these scraps need to be buried in the bin. Wrap the food with a couple layers of newspaper prior to placing in them in the bin. Cover with a layer of grass or newspaper that is lightly moistened. This will keep the flies from having easy access to the food.

Click to see complete answer. Considering this, how do I get rid of flies in my compost bin?

Boil water and take it outside to the bin. Pour it over the contents and shut the lid so the steam will continue to kill the flies. The hot water not only kills active flies, it will also kill fly eggs. Boil more water and pour it over the lid and sides of the bin to kill any eggs on the outside of the bin.

Additionally, why is my compost full of flies? Most pests and houseflies appear in compost piles because they are filled with their natural food. Beginning with the food, always bury your green, or wet, ingredients with brown ingredients topped with a layer of soil. If the manure and rotting vegetables aren't on top of the soil, the flies can't get to them easily.

Consequently, is it OK to have flies in compost?

People often complain about tiny flies in and around their compost heap. You won't get ordinary household flies if you don't put any meat or bones into your compost. The tiny flies are most likely to be Vinegar flies (Drosophila melanogaster). They are attracted to fermenting or rotting fruit and are common in compost.

How do I get rid of flies in my green bin?

If you end up with maggots in your green bin, try getting rid of them by:

  1. Opening the lid to allow the birds to eat the maggots.
  2. Spraying the top and inside with vinegar.