How do I debug angular in WebStorm?

Save the configuration, place breakpoints in your code and start a new debug session by clicking the Debug button next to the list of configurations on the top right corner of the IDE. The browser will open on http://localhost:4200/. Once a breakpoint is hit, go to the debugger tool window in the IDE.

Explore further detail here. Correspondingly, how do you set a breakpoint in Webstorm?

  1. Place the caret at an executable line of code where you want to set a breakpoint.
  2. Click the left gutter next to that line or press Ctrl+F8 . To set a temporary line breakpoint, press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F8 . It will be removed from your project right after it has been hit.

Furthermore, how do I debug a .JS file? The Sources panel is where you debug JavaScript. Open DevTools by pressing Command + Option + I (Mac) or Control + Shift + I (Windows, Linux).

Step 2: Get familiar with the Sources panel UI

  1. The File Navigator pane. Every file that the page requests is listed here.
  2. The Code Editor pane.
  3. The JavaScript Debugging pane.

Hereof, how do you debug ng serve?

Start Debugging Go to the Debug view, select the 'ng serve' configuration, then press F5 or click the green play button to start 'Angular Live Development Server'. A console window should appear where ng serve will run. Once the app is served, or if the task encounters an error, a browser window will appear.

How do I debug Nodemon?

Nodemon can be started in debug mode by using the --inspect flag like regular Node processes. The easiest way to enable the debug mode is to add an npm debug script that starts nodemon with the right flag.