How do I plant elephant garlic?

Elephant Garlic Planting Tips
Plant each clove 4-6 inches deep. Space them about 8-12 inches apart, to allow some airflow between plants. Give your elephant garlic plants regular water, at least one inch per week. Elephant garlic will send up flower stalks, or scapes, just like regular garlic.

Click to explore further. In respect to this, how long does elephant garlic take to grow?

about 90 days

Also, should you let elephant garlic flower? It's best to remove these (and eat the delicious scapes!), so that all the plant's energy is used to feed the bulb, rather than the flower. By late June, you should have your own, ripe Elephant Garlic, ready to be harvested and eaten. Green Elephant Garlic is available now from the Newchurch shop and on our website.

Similarly one may ask, how do you cure elephant garlic?

Brush off the soil, but don't wash the roots, since you'll need to cure them later. Depending on the ambient humidity, you'll need to cure your elephant garlic for 3-8 weeks in a cool, dark, dry place before storage. Some growers braid the tops together and hang them up in small bunches to facilitate curing.

Can I plant elephant garlic from the grocery store?

Although it's best to plant garlic from bulbs specifically grown as seed stock, you can also grow usable bulbs from some grocery store garlic. Choose organically grown bulbs, if possible, to ensure they haven't been treated to prevent sprouting. Treated bulbs usually fail to grow.