How do you change your aim in overwatch?

In Overwatch, head into the Options menu from the home screen. Open the 'Controls' section at the top of the screen. The first thing you will see is Reticle information. You can start by changing the type, which you will see a preview for on the left hand side.

Read full answer here. Moreover, what is the aim technique in overwatch?

This mode makes a certain threshold you have to pass for it to start moving faster, usually 90 percent. Before that threshold the crosshair moves at the same slow speed, giving you more precise control. After you pass the threshold, the acceleration increases a lot, allowing you to turn around and do bigger movements.

Also, what is aim acceleration? Aim acceleration causes your crosshair to accelerate the longer you hold a certain direction. Say you're moving your aim to the left, as you hold the stick to the left, the crosshair will start to move faster across the screen.

Then, why is it harder to aim on console?

Aiming with mice is quicker and more precise than what you can achieve with controllers… Hence aim assist on consoles is a thing. Aiming and Movement on console are harder… but since console players only play against console players. It doesn't really matter. PC is faster, console games play way slower.

Should I turn off aim assist in overwatch?

Turn aim assist off. The size of the sensitivity of the aim assist can be configured using the window size setting. But should you use it? We say that you should disable aim assist on all heroes and learn to play like that. This is a very strong tip to elevate your Overwatch mechanics to the next level.