How do you grow tomatoes Osrs?

Obtaining tomatoes
Players can grow tomatoes by planting three tomato seeds in an allotment patch at level 12 Farming. They can plant a marigold seed in the flower patch to help protect the tomatoes from disease, or pay the gardener two sacks of cabbages to ensure they grow.

This is thoroughly answered here. Subsequently, one may also ask, how long do tomatoes take to grow Osrs?

Farming info

Tomato seed
Patch Allotment
Seeds per 3 seeds
Payment 2 sacks of cabbages
Time 40 min (4x10 min)

Additionally, how long does it take to grow onions Osrs? 40 minutes

Beside this, where do you get tomatoes in Runescape?

After talking to the Recruiter, the nearby men will throw tomatoes at him, which can be picked up from the ground.

  • On a stool near the fairy ring in Feldip Hills.
  • Bandit camp in the Wilderness.
  • In Aggie's house in Draynor - 1 st floor [UK]

How long does it take for potatoes to grow Osrs?

about 40 minutes