How long is the bus ride from Puerto Vallarta to Sayulita?

approximately 1 hour

Click to read in-depth answer. Furthermore, how do I get from Puerto Vallarta to Sayulita by bus?

The bus ride from Puerto Vallarta to Sayulita costs around $46 pesos, buses normally arrive every 20 minutes and the 24 mile journey takes approximately 1 - 1.5 hours due to frequent stops. If you plan on catching the bus from the airport, cross over the highway using the pedestrian bridge.

Similarly, can you uber from Puerto Vallarta to Sayulita? Uber to Sayulita Uber in Puerto Vallarta is new and technically the drivers are not allowed to pick up passengers at the airport. Several drivers still do but most are afraid of the police. Most drivers want you to leave the airport and want to pick you up on the other side of the bridge from the airport.

Also, is it safe to travel from Puerto Vallarta to Sayulita?

Gail E~ There are no safety concerns (other than some people reporting ongoing issues with food/water in Sayulita itself). The "recent travel warnings" do not include Puerto Vallarta or Sayulita or the area in between the two.

Where do you catch the bus to Sayulita?

To take the bus to Sayulita, go to Mega on the main highway (or the closest big convenient store going north) and jump on the green and white Compostela bus with the word “Sayulita” written on the windshield. Not all COMPOSTELA buses go to Sayulita.