How many students does Lynn University have?

3,093 students

Click to read full detail here. Herein, is Lynn University a good college?

Within Florida, Lynn University is Considered an Average Quality College at a Very Expensive Price. Lynn University's overall average net price combined with an average quality education, results in a poor value for the money when compared to other colleges and universities in Florida.

Additionally, is Lynn University hard to get into? The acceptance rate at Lynn University is 84.6%. This means the school is lightly selective. The school will have their expected requirements for GPA and SAT/ACT scores. If you meet their requirements, you're almost certain to get an offer of admission.

Considering this, how many students live on campus at Lynn University?

Student Life At this school, 46 percent of the students live in college-owned, -operated or -affiliated housing and 54 percent of students live off campus. In sports, Lynn University is part of the NCAA II.

Is Lynn University a Division 1 school?

Lynn). It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 2,095.

Lynn University
Former names Marymount College (1962–1974) College of Boca Raton (1974–1991)
Athletics NCAA Division II – Sunshine State
Nickname Fighting Knights
Mascot Lance the Fighting Knight