How many tamales will 5 pounds of masa make?

Using 1/2 cup of masa per tamale, one pound of unprepared masa will yield approximately one dozen tamales so this recipe will make approximately 60 tamales.

View more on it here. Correspondingly, how many pounds of masa do I need for 30 tamales?

2 quarts pork broth *SKIP this step by buying Masa Preparada (prepared dough) from a Mexican grocery store or bakery. One pound of masa is enough for half dozen of tamales-30 lbs is 15 dozens of tamales.

Similarly, how many pounds of meat is 10 pounds of masa? of MASA you will need 5 -10 pounds of meat. Measuring the same as masa will yield equal amounts of filling as to masa. If you like twice the meat as masa then go with 10 pounds of meat for every 5 pounds of masa. For spicy tamales use one small poblano pepper (chile ancho) for each pound of meat.

Keeping this in view, how do I make 5 pounds of masa for tamales?


  1. 2 pounds lard, If you are using rendered lard you will need to use less broth.
  2. 2 teaspoons baking powder, divided.
  3. 2 tablespoons salt, divided.
  4. 5 pounds fresh ground masa, unprepared for tamales, divided.
  5. 2 to 3 cups broth from cooked pork roast or chicken broth, divided.

How many tamales can you make with 10 lbs of masa?

Using 1/2 cup of masa per tamale, one pound of unprepared masa will yield approximately one dozen tamales so this recipe will make approximately 60 tamales.