How much sun does Mexican petunias need?

Mexican petunia grows and blooms best in full sun or partial shade. It will grow in shade, but doesn't bloom as much and looks leggy and lanky. This sun-loving perennial likes rich, slightly moist soil so mulch the plants to maintain consistent soil conditions, especially during hot, dry weather.

Click to read in-depth answer. People also ask, do Mexican petunias need full sun?

Light. Mexican petunia bushes take full sun—the more direct sun they receive, the more flowers will bloom. They can withstand shade and partial shade but will be less productive if planted in these areas.

One may also ask, how do you keep Mexican petunias? In general, the only pruning a Mexican petunia requires is an annual pruning in late winter or early spring to remove damaged, weak or otherwise undesirable stems back to the base of the plant. Cutting back spent flower stalks during the blooming period helps maintain a neat appearance.

In this manner, do Mexican petunias die in winter?

A: Mexican petunia, Ruellia simplex, should grow perfectly well outdoors in the Atlanta area. It might not, however, be winter-hardy in north Georgia. The blue flowers are attractive in late summer through fall. The stems will die back to the ground after the first frost.

How fast do Mexican petunias grow?

Mexican Pansy Quick Reference Chart

Bloom Time: Spring, Summer, Fall Any
Exposure: Sun or shade Any
Time to Maturity 1-2 months Well-draining
Spacing 12 inches Lantana
Planting Depth: 1/4 inch Tall type - borders and mass plantings Dwarf type - edging