Is fairy tale one word or two words?

When used as a noun, fairy tale is two words without a hyphen. Example: Mom told me a fairy tale about a princess who turned into a fairy. However, when it is used as an adjective to describe a noun, it has a hyphen and looks like this: fairy-tale.

This is thoroughly answered here. In this way, what defines a fairytale?

A fairy tale is a story, often intended for children, that features fanciful and wondrous characters such as elves, goblins, wizards, and even, but not necessarily, fairies. Fairy tales are often traditional; many were passed down from story-teller to story-teller before being recorded in books.

Likewise, what are some good fairy tales? Famous Fairy Tales

  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The story of beautiful Snow White, the seven dwarfs and the evil Queen.
  • The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids.
  • The Elves and the Shoemaker.
  • The Little Mermaid.
  • The Twelve Dancing Princesses.
  • Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.
  • Hansel and Gretel.
  • The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Also to know is, what is the spelling of fairy tail?

The American Heritage Dictionary and the Concise OED agree that the noun fairy tale is two words. It can also be an adjective (modifying "romance", for example); that's one word, fairytale, in the US, but hyphenated, fairy-tale, in the UK.

Why is it called fairy tale?

The simpler question to answer is why these tales are called "fairy tales." It is from the influence of the women writers in the French Salons who dubbed their tales "contes de fees." The term was translated into English as "fairy tales." The name became so widely used due to the popularity of the French tales, that it