Is Wow an English word?

Meaning of wow in English. used to show surprise and sometimes pleasure: Wow!

View more on it here. Moreover, is Wow a slang word?

The Meaning of WOW So now you know - WOW means "World Of Warcraft" - don't thank us. YW! What does WOW mean? WOW is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the WOW definition is given.

Beside above, where does the word wow come from? From the Online Etimology Dictionary: wow 1510s, Scottish interjection, a natural expression of amazement. The verb meaning "overwhelm with delight or amazement" is first recorded 1924, Amer.

Besides, what kind of word is wow?

Answer and Explanation: The word "wow" can be used as an interjection, a verb, or a noun.

What wow means to a girl?

3. Wow. When a girl sends you a Wow it doesn't mean she thinks it is wonderful. She just means to say that she is shocked and has no idea what to say really.