What are the contribution of Karl Marx?

Karl Marx
Karl Marx FRSA
Main interests Philosophy, economics, history, politics
Notable ideas Marxist terminology, surplus value, contributions to the labour theory of value, class struggle, alienation and exploitation of the worker, materialist conception of history

Find out all about it here. Also to know is, what was the main contribution of Karl Marx?

#2 He authored the famous Marxist theory of historical materialism. One of the most important contributions of Karl Marx is his theory of historical materialism. It is stated most comprehensively in Die Deutsche Ideologie (The German Ideology), a set of manuscripts co-authored by Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1846.

Secondly, what is the contribution of Karl Marx in philosophy? Karl Heinrich Marx (1818 - 1883) was a German philosopher, political theorist and revolutionary of the 19th Century. Both a scholar and a political activist, Marx is often called the father of Communism, and certainly his Marxist theory provided the intellectual base for various subsequent forms of Communism.

Subsequently, question is, what are the major contribution of Karl Marx to sociology?

Marx, Durkheim and Weber are generally considered the three “founding fathers” of sociology. Marx's most important contribution to that field was in his theory of history, which Marx called “the materialist conception of history”. Nowadays it's basically taken as the “common sense” view of history.

What are the ideas of Karl Marx?

Marx's most popular theory was "historical materialism', arguing that history is the result of material conditions, rather than ideas. He believed that religion, morality, social structures and other things are all rooted in economics. In his later life he was more tolerant of religion.