What are the Greek words for life?

The three words are Bios, Psyche, and Zoe. I have two degrees in Biology and a minor in Psychology so those two words have obvious English parallels but in my world, Zoe is a girl's name. Not anymore. Bios, Psyche, and Zoe are like body, soul, and spirit.

Read complete answer here. Consequently, what is the ancient Greek word for life?

Ancient Greek has two words that are translated as life in English: zōē and bios.

Also Know, what does the word life mean in the Bible? God reveals through the author of Genesis that He created some things with nephesh. This is the Hebrew word usually translated living being in Genesis but also as life, soul or with breath. Life is also described as being “in the blood” or the “flesh”, or having “breath”.

Simply so, what is the word life in Greek?

n/, also spelled eon (in American English), originally meant "life", "vital force" or "being", "generation" or "a period of time", though it tended to be translated as "age" in the sense of "ages", "forever", "timeless" or "for eternity".

What is the word life in Latin?

In each of these languages, the word for “life” is descended from the Latin word for life — vita. In Italian, the word is still vita. In Spanish and Portuguese the word is vida. English has quite a few words that trace back to the Latin word vita.