What are words that don't have vowels?

  • byrls.
  • crwth.
  • crypt.
  • cysts.
  • dryly.
  • flyby.
  • ghyll.
  • glyph.

Click to see complete answer. Likewise, people ask, what word does not have a vowel?

There are four six-letter words with no vowel except 'y': rhythm, spryly, sylphy (of or like a slender graceful girl or young woman) and syzygy (a technical term used in astronomy). Rhythm can have an 's' added in the plural to make a seven-letter word without a vowel.

Also, what is the longest word without a vowel? Twyndyllyngs is the longest word in English that doesn't contain one of the five vowels (AEIOU). It comes from Welsh and is obviously rare, but it does appear in the Oxford English Dictionary.

Also to know is, what words have no vowels or Y?

Few examples of words with letter 'y' in them without any vowel are : 2 letter words : by, my. 3 letter words : cry, dry, fly, fry, gym, pry, shy, sky, sly, spy, sty, try, why, wry. 4 letter words : hymn, cyst, lynx, myrrh, myth, wyrm.

What color does not have a vowel?

There are no names for colors in the English language which do not have vowels. However the Macedonian word for 'black' is црн [crn] which has no vowels.