What award did August Wilson's The Piano Lesson win in 1990?

August Wilson twice won the Pulitzer Prize for Drama, in 1987 for Fences and in 1990 for The Piano Lesson.

Read rest of the answer. Likewise, people ask, when was August Wilson considered a success?

Famed playwright August Wilson was born on April 27, 1945, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He wrote his first play, Jitney, in 1979. Fences earned him a Pulitzer Prize and a Tony Award in 1987. Wilson won another Pulitzer Prize in 1990, for The Piano Lesson.

Secondly, why did August Wilson write The Piano Lesson? The playwright, August Wilson, felt that it was important for his fellow African Americans to make use of their cultural heritage and draw strength and unity from it. We feel all people can learn from the message of The Piano Lesson. We all have a cultural heritage.

Also asked, what was special about August Wilson's plays?

Playwright August Wilson wrote about the complexity of the African American experience, of undocumented lives, and of the people he grew up with in the Hill District of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Ten of his plays comprise a deliberate body of work unto itself: “The Pittsburgh Cycle,” also known as the “Century Cycle.”

What did the ghosts of the yellow dog do for Wining Boy?

These ghosts primarily concern themselves with vengeance: Sutter returns to avenge his murder and reclaim the piano, and thus the Charles family; the Ghosts of the Yellow Dog avenge their own murder by murdering Sutter; these ghosts met their end when living in Boy Charles's attempt to avenge the ancestors.