What can you feed a mourning dove?

They enjoy millet, cracked corn, wheat and sunflower seeds. Due to their larger size, mourning doves need to feed on platform feeders or tray feeders. They're also partial to feeding on the ground as long as it's relatively clean of seed husks. You can also plant berry bushes or seed-bearing flowers for a food source.

All this is further explained here. Similarly, what do you feed a wild dove?

Pigeons and doves eat a variety of grains, seeds, greens, berries, fruits, and will occasionally eat insects, snails and earthworms in the wild.

Subsequently, question is, what are mourning doves afraid of? Re: Deterring Mourning Doves Scared it away, hung tinsel, cans, flagging, etc.

People also ask, what do doves like to eat the most?

Doves and pigeons are best fed on a platform feeder. You need to ensure balanced diet for these birds without exception. As previously mentioned, doves naturally eat seeds and grains like wheat, millet, corn, sunflower and milo.

What food do doves not like?

3. Feed Foods that Doves and Pigeons Don't Regularly Eat or Find Difficult to Eat: Pigeons and doves favour grains and seeds. Try offering foods that they typically don't eat including peanuts in the shell, Bark Butter, suet, mealworms, BirdBerry Jelly, fruit and nectar.