What causes locust infestation?

Fueling the locusts' destruction is a bounty of vegetation following unusually heavy rains. All that food means the landscape can support a huge number of rapidly breeding insects. Farmers throughout East Africa now face food shortages, as the plague consumes both crops in the field and in storage.

Read rest of the answer. Beside this, what causes locust outbreaks?

When desert locusts meet, their nervous systems release serotonin, which causes them to become mutually attracted, a prerequisite for swarming. The initial bands of gregarious hoppers are known as "outbreaks", and when these join together into larger groups, the event is known as an "upsurge".

Likewise, how do you get rid of locusts? To get prepared for the upcoming season, apply BIFEN GRANULES to your turf at the end of winter or early spring. These slow releasing granules will kill off young locust nymphs as they emerge from eggs. This will help minimize their presence in the yard.

One may also ask, where is the locust infestation?

Kenya and Ethiopia are experiencing their worst infestation in decades. Locusts are now spreading into Uganda and Tanzania. Large-scale control operations use pesticides to combat locusts but these efforts were not possible in Yemen and Somalia. Locust breeding continues.

Are locust swarms dangerous?

The desert locust is potentially the most dangerous of the locust pests because of the ability of swarms to fly rapidly across great distances. It has two to five generations per year.