What do Process theologians believe?

Process theology affirms that God is working in all persons to actualize potentialities. In that sense each religious manifestation is the Divine working in a unique way to bring out the beautiful and the good. Additionally, scripture and religion represent human interpretations of the divine.

Read complete answer here. In this way, how does process theology deal with the problem of evil?

Process Theology solves the Problem of Evil by suggesting that God is in a RELATIONSHIP with human beings and can share their sufferings but cannot prevent them. Having a "fellow-suffering who understands" is a better religious belief than an all-poweful but unfeeling being who refuses to intervene.

Furthermore, who came up with Natural Theology? John Ray (1627–1705) also known as John Wray, was an English naturalist, sometimes referred to as the father of English natural history. He published important works on plants, animals, and natural theology, with the objective "to illustrate the glory of God in the knowledge of the works of nature or creation".

Keeping this in consideration, is process philosophy true?

Process philosophy, modifying a statement from Plato's Sophist (247e), affirms that the most concrete real beings—in Whitehead's language, actual entities—are characterized by the power to act and to be acted upon (Plato says real beings act or are acted upon).

What does process philosophy mean?

Process philosophy is a longstanding philosophical tradition that emphasizes becoming and changing over static being. Process philosophy is characterized by an attempt to reconcile the diverse intuitions found in human experience (such as religious, scientific, and aesthetic) into a coherent holistic scheme.