What do the details in the censors suggest about the work of censoring letters?

Juan wants to prevent a friend from getting in trouble. What do the details in "The Censors" suggest about the work of censoring letters? He knows that they examine, sniff, feel, and read between the lines of each and every letter, and check its tiniest comma and most accidental stain.

Click to explore further. Also know, what is the message of the censors?

Theme: The theme of The Censors is one of distrust. Luisa Valenzuela's message with the writing of this book was to trust no one. In the world she once lived, there was no one who could be trusted, not even yourself.

Secondly, what do the censors do? The censor was a magistrate in ancient Rome who was responsible for maintaining the census, supervising public morality, and overseeing certain aspects of the government's finances.

People also ask, what does Juan do when he finds his letter?

Juan finds the letter that he wrote to Mariana. Juan automatically censors his own letter because he is obsessed with his job.

What kind of character is Juan in the censors?

Summary of 'The Censors' Juan is a young man living in Argentina under the control of an authoritarian government (think Big Brother in Orwell's 1984). At the beginning of the story, he writes and mails a letter to a woman he loves named Mariana.