What do you call a place where people gather?

A gathering place is any place where people are able to congregate. Examples of gathering places include Stonehenge, the agora of ancient Greece, New York City's Central Park, and London's Trafalgar Square.

Find out all about it here. Also question is, what is the synonym of gather?

SYNONYMS. congregate, convene, assemble, meet, collect, come together, get together, muster, rally, converge. cluster together, crowd, mass, flock together. rare foregather.

One may also ask, what do you call a social gathering? A social gathering at which people can make new acquaintances. mixer. extrovert. mingler. socializer.

Also know, what is the word for gathering information?

collation. noun. formal the process of collecting information and then arranging or considering it together.

What is another word for gather together?

gather, collect, assemble, congregate mean to come or bring together into a group, mass, or unit. gather is the most general term for bringing or coming together from a spread-out or scattered state.