What does EE stand for on payslip?

EE stands for "employee." It is used to designate payroll deductions from an employee's paycheck.

Read in-depth answer here. Just so, what does EE and ER mean on payslip?

ER is Employers National Insurance. EE is Employees National Insurance. Employers have to pay National Insurance for the privilege of employing people, as well as employees who have it deducted from wages/salaries.

Similarly, what does ers stand for on a payslip? PAYE – Pay As You Earn: a tax deduction taken by HMRC. Pension EE: employee's pension contribution. Pension ERS: employer's pension contribution.

Additionally, what does EE tax stand for?

One withholding employees see listed on their earnings statements is the Fed MED/EE Tax. This stands for Federal Medicare/Employer-Employee and is a tax that funds the Medicare Health Insurance program. The employee pays 1.45 percent and the employer pays a matching 1.45 percent.

What are the details found on a payslip?

Your payslip contains important information, including your payroll number, your gross and net pay, and normally your tax code too.