What does Wozzeck mean?

Composer: Alban Berg, Manfred Gurlitt

Know more about it here. Similarly, is Wozzeck a 12 tone?

The Music of Berg's Wozzeck. Wozzeck is a complicated score held together by a tight relationship between traditional musical forms and crucial events that propel the drama. Wozzeck is often categorized as a so-called twelve-tone or atonal opera.

how many scenes are there in each act of Berg's Wozzeck? Its three acts each have five scenes, separated by orchestral interludes, and every scene has its own, classically derived form. The second act is a kind of five-movement symphony, complete with a sonata form first movement and a scherzo with two trios.

In respect to this, how did Wozzeck die?

When Wozzeck goes to find Marie, the young woman is filled with remorse. But he brings her to a pond and stabs her to death. The murder weapon has disappeared. Wozzeck wades into the pond to look for it and drowns, while the Captain and the Doctor, who are passing by, are not moved to rescue him.

When was Wozzeck written?