What is a fancy word for good?

enjoyable, pleasant, agreeable, pleasing, pleasurable, delightful, great, nice, lovely, amusing, diverting, jolly, merry, lively, festive, cheerful, convivial, congenial, sociable. informal super, fantastic, fabulous, fab, terrific, glorious, grand, magic, out of this world, cool.

Read rest of the answer. Keeping this in view, what's a fancy word for good?

Words related to good great, satisfying, exceptional, positive, acceptable, satisfactory, valuable, superb, marvelous, bad, wonderful, favorable, excellent, respectable, honest, useful, talented, efficient, reliable, able.

Likewise, what is another word for really good? Superb, outstanding, and terrific are synonyms for very good.

Hereof, what is a better word than great?

incredible – amazing, beyond belief, almost too good to be true. luxurious – fine or comfortable, such as an expensive hotel room. I use it to show gratitude for a gift that is too fancy for my tastes. magnificent – splendid, elegant, noble. From the Latin word for “great deeds.”

What is a fancy word for a lot?

abundance, barrel, basketful, boatload, bucket, bunch, bundle, bushel, carload, chunk, deal, dozen, fistful, gobs, good deal, heap, hundred, lashings (also lashins) [chiefly British], loads, mass, mess, mountain, much, multiplicity, myriad, oodles, pack, passel, peck, pile, plateful, plenitude, plentitude, plenty, pot,