What is a group contingency?

A group contingency is a behavior management protocol where a single consequence (it can be a reward or aversive) is given based on either the behavior of an individual in a group, the behavior of a particular set of people within the group or the group as a whole.

This is answered comprehensively here. In respect to this, what is an independent group contingency?

Independent group contingencies are reward systems in which children individually earn token reinforcers for engaging in target behaviors. When each student has earned enough tokens to reach his individual goal, he then trades his tokens in for a terminal reinforcer.

Also, what are contingencies in education? Individual Contingencies. Contingency contracts are good examples of individual contingencies. These contracts describe in writing an if-then relationship indicating the target student, the student's behavior, and the criterion needed in order for the student to receive access to a consequence.

Similarly one may ask, how are group contingencies used?

Group contingencies can be used when peers could provide an appropriate model for a target behavior. For example, the target behavior might be accessing help appropriately. The group contingency could be to first ask a friend before raising a hand for adult help.

What is contingent instruction?

Contingent Instructions. Contingent Instructions are specific directions given to an individual student to cease an undesired behavior and to engage in a more appropriate alternative.