What is a pipeline in continuous delivery?

As the name suggests, a continuous delivery pipeline is an implementation of the continuous paradigm, where automated builds, tests and deployments are orchestrated as one release workflow. Put more plainly, a CD pipeline is a set of steps your code changes will go through to make their way to production.

Read rest of the answer. Accordingly, what is meant by continuous delivery?

Continuous delivery. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Continuous delivery (CD or CDE) is a software engineering approach in which teams produce software in short cycles, ensuring that the software can be reliably released at any time and, when releasing the software, doing so manually.

Similarly, what does the continuous delivery pipeline enable refactoring? Refactoring. Refactoring is the activity of improving the internal structure or operation of a code or component without changing its external behavior. The goal of software development is the continuous delivery of business value to users and stakeholders.

In this regard, why do I have continuous delivery?

Continuous Delivery reduces waste and makes releases boring One of the main uses of continuous delivery is to ensure we are building functionality that really delivers the expected customer value. Second, continuous delivery reduces the risk of release and leads to more reliable and resilient systems.

What is continuous delivery in DevOps?

Continuous delivery is the important process of delivering the software/Updates to production in smaller increments, ensuring that the software can be released at any time. With this approach of DevOps, the team will be always ready on 'Delivering any time' to the production.