What is an investment report that is given to potential investors called?

prospectus. an investment report to potential investors. return. the money an investor receives above and beyond the sum of money initially invested.

Click to read in-depth answer. Beside this, what is an investment report that is given to potential investors called Brainly?

A prospectus is given to potential investors.

Secondly, how does a pension fund act as an investor? The company invests the money collected from employers and/or employees. amount that an investor pays to buy a bond. the risk of the money market mutual fund is slightly greater than that of the CD.

Similarly, you may ask, what is the money an investor receives above and beyond the money initially invested called?

The money an investor receives above and beyond the money initially invested is called C. return. Saving has to do with saving your money. Liquidity is the ability to pay your bills. Investment is when you invest your money into something, and eventually get it back, if your investment pays off.

What are claims of ownership in a corporation?

claims ownership in a corporation. municipal bonds. issued by local government for public improvements. options. contracts that allow investors to buy or sella stock at a particular price within a specified time.