What is another word for committing a crime?

verbcommit illegal or immoral action. backslide. break commandment. break law. cheat.

Read rest of the answer. Likewise, people ask, what is it called when you commit a crime?

In law enforcement jargon, a suspect is a known person accused or suspected of committing a crime. Police and reporters in the United States often use the word suspect as a jargon when referring to the perpetrator of the offense (perp in dated US slang). —the person who committed the crime.

Also Know, what is a dangerous person called? dangerous. alarming, breakneck, chancy (informal) exposed, hairy (slang) hazardous, insecure, menacing, nasty, parlous (archaic) perilous, precarious, risky, threatening, treacherous, ugly, unchancy (Scot.)

Also asked, what is the synonyms of crime?

SYNONYMS. lawbreaking, delinquency, wrongdoing, transgression, misconduct, criminality, illegality, villainy, felony, corruption. informal crookedness, shadiness, dodginess. malfeasance, malefaction. archaic knavery.

Who decides if someone is innocent or guilty?

Here the jury is the judge of facts. They hear facts and decides the case based on the facts presented before them. The jury in this system decides whether the person is guilty or not. The judge in this system decides only the legal points and the terms of verdicts.