What is another word for end result?

What is another word for end result?
aftermath outcome
success ripple effect
net result finale
climax final result
followup creation

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Definition: in an appropriate, suitable way. Synonyms: appropriately, as a consequence, consequently, correspondingly, duly, equally, ergo, fitly, hence, in respect to, in that event, properly, resultantly, so, subsequently, suitably, then, therefore, thus, under the circumstances.

Likewise, what does result mean? A result is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened. A result is the number that you get when you do a calculation. They found their computers producing different results from exactly the same calculation.

Considering this, what is the end result?

end result. Word forms: end results. countable noun. The end result of an activity or a process is the final result that it produces. The end result is very good and very successful.

Is end goal a word?

end goal: “objective.” “aim.” One can also use “end.” Meaning: no matter what you do, as long as it gets you to your goal, it is acceptable.