What is Home tab in MS Word?

1. In general, the home tab is a tab or button in an application or web page that returns you to the home section. In Microsoft Office, the Home tab is the default tab in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and other Microsoft Office products.

Find out all about it here. Beside this, what is the use of home tab in MS Word?

The Home Tab is by far the most important Tab in Microsoft Word 2007. The Home Tab contains all the commands that are used most often. These include formatting commands like changing text size, font style, font color, list types, and clipboard functionality like Cut, Copy and Paste.

Also, what are the commands of Home tab? The Home Tab displays the most commonly used commands. In Word and Excel these include Copy, Cut, and Paste, Bold, Italic, Underscore etc. The commands are arranged in groups: Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles and Editing.

what is tab in MS Word?

Tabs are a paragraph-formatting feature used to align text. When you press the Tab key, Word inserts a tab character and moves the insertion point to the tab setting, called the tab stop. You can set custom tabs or use Word's default tab settings.

How many tabs are there in MS Word?

seven tabs