What is JPA in Jrotc?

The JROTC Program for Accreditation (JPA) will be used to evaluate Secondary Educational Institutions and JROTC Instructors, as defined by public laws, contracts, Army Regulations, and USACC policies to ensure compliance with minimum program criteria.

Read full answer here. Correspondingly, what are the three levels of distinction that Jrotc units can earn?

The three levels of distinction that JROTC units can earn are merit unit, honor unit, and honor unit with distinction.

One may also ask, what does ASU stand for Jrotc? Cadet Army Service Uniform

Additionally, what does Dai stand for in Jrotc?

Director of Army Instruction

What age can you join Junior ROTC?

You must be 17 years of age or older to participate, and if you are 17, you must have parental consent. These programs run from April through September of your junior year.