What is New Relic tool?

Introduction to New Relic APM. New Relic's software analytics product for application performance monitoring (APM) delivers real-time and trending data about your web application's performance and the level of satisfaction that your end users experience.

Click here to know more about it. Furthermore, what is the use of New Relic?

New Relic is a Software as a Service offering that focuses on performance and availability monitoring. It uses a standardized Apdex (application performance index) score to set and rate application performance across the environment in a unified manner.

Likewise, what is new relic written in? New Relic provides comprehensive monitoring for an industry-leading seven languages: Java, Node. js, Python, Go, . NET, PHP, and Ruby. There's also a native C/C++ agent to instrument and monitor applications written in C/C++ or other languages not supported out of the box.

Likewise, what does New Relic mean?

New Relic is a San Francisco, California-based technology company which develops cloud-based software to help website and application owners track the performances of their services.

What is new relic insights?

New Relic Insights is a software analytics resource to gather and visualize data about your software and what that data says about your business. Use NRQL to quickly and easily create real-time dashboards to get immediate answers about end-user experiences, clickstreams, mobile activities, and server transactions.