What is Santiago's relationship with the sea?

Santiago loves everything about being a fisherman. He is lonely at sea and his sea friends are his companions. He has great respect for the sea as well as the inhabitants that swim and live in it. He does not love all creatures of the deep, blue sea, however, does show respect for each one.

Explore more on it. Keeping this in view, how does Santiago feel about the sea?

Santiago thinks of the sea as a woman.. feminine. He always thought of the sea as la mar which is what people call her in Spanish when they love her. Sometimes those who love her say bad things of her but they are always said as though she were a woman.

Secondly, what is Santiago's relationship with nature? Santiago has a very strong relationship with nature (and is even compared to aspects of it, like his eyes being compared to the sea itself), and it's one that he willing to maintain by isolating himself from his fishing community.

In respect to this, what is the role of the sea in the Old Man and the Sea?

The sea often functions like a character in the story. It serves as a point of interaction with the old man during his struggles, and is representative of the fisherman's entire life. The sea is the source of income not only for the fisherman, but everyone in the small village that's also featured in the tale.

What does Santiago call the Ocean?

The ocean is like a women who gives or withholds great favor, and if she did wild or wicked things it is because she could not help them. The moon affects her(the ocean) as it does a woman.