What is style type in Word?

In Word, a style is a collection of formatting instructions. You use styles to format the paragraphs in your document. So you would use the "Title" style for your title, "Body Text" style for body text, "Caption" style for the picture captions, and "Heading 1" for the major headings.

Click to see complete answer. Subsequently, one may also ask, what are the two types of styles in Word?

There are two basic types of styles in Microsoft Word; character and paragraph. Paragraph styles are used more frequently than character styles, and they are easier to create.

Secondly, what is formatting and its type? A formatting style is a standardized approach to creating an academic paper. It gives a paper a recognizable appearance. Formatting style includes things like where the paper's title and author's name will go, the spacing between lines, and how sources are cited in-text, among other things.

Secondly, what are the different types of formatting in MS Word?

Word has two basic types of Word document formatting styles: Paragraph Styles - They apply to a minimum of an entire paragraph, and contain paragraph formatting (alignment, indents, etc.) and character formatting (font, color, etc.).

What are the formatting tools?

Options available in the formatting toolbar

  • Change the font.
  • Change the size of the font.
  • Change the font color.
  • Make the text bold, italics, or underline.
  • Change the alignment.
  • Change the style to currency, percent, or comma.
  • Increase or decrease the decimal and indent.
  • Change the borders.