What is the abbreviation of the word number?

The numero sign or numero symbol, № (also represented as Nº, No, No./no. (US English), or No/no (UK English); plural Nos./nos. (US English) or Nos/nos (UK English)), is a typographic abbreviation of the word number(s) indicating ordinal numeration, especially in names and titles.

Click to see complete answer. Also know, why is Number Short Form No?

Well as you know, English liberally borrows vocabulary from other languages, the abbreviation for number (No.) is actually short for Latin 'Numero' denoted as № . That no. is a representation of the Numero sign , №, derived from the Latin "numero."

Likewise, how do you type no? Entering the Numero sign The numero character is usually typed as ” No. ” (capital N, lowercase o then a fullstop/period) or No (capital N then lowercase and superscripted o) or N° (capital N plus the degree sign) but as Jack says that's just a substitute for the real symbol.

Thereof, what does No 1 stand for?

1 : one's own interests or welfare : oneself looking out for number one —often written No. 1. 2 : one that is first in rank, importance, or influence —often written No. 1.

Is short for number?

The abbreviation for number is no./nos.