What is the best online ACLS renewal course?

NHCPS is the best online recertification provider with a number of testimonials to prove it. Our superiority is evident in our quality material and our quick process for easy recertification. If you are not completely satisfied, our certification and recertification courses come with a 100% money-back guarantee.

Rest of the in-depth answer is here. Also asked, are online ACLS courses legitimate?

As stated above, no wholly online ACLS course is accredited by the AHA, however, some may be nationally accredited by other agencies and institutions. Even if a program is not accredited, it does not mean it is not legit or that hospitals won't accept that particular ACLS card.

Likewise, how do I renew my ACLS certification? Once you have passed an initial ACLS Certification course, there is rarely a need to obtain your ACLS Certification again – you merely need to renew it every 2 years. This is where the option to take a recertification course comes into play, as it will allow you to reactivate your expired certification.

Subsequently, question is, can ACLS be renewed online?

Your ACLS certification is valid for two years. Every two years, you will need to get your ACLS recertification to remain actively certified. You can get your ACLS renewal online through one of our recertification courses.

How long does ACLS online course take?

approximately 6.5-7 hours