What is the meaning of odd word out?

Odd Word Out : Not-related word found in a group of words is called ODD Word. Examples : Apple, Onion, potato, Brinjal : In this set of words, onion, potato and brinjal are the names of vegetables. So, the word PALACE is the odd word out.

See full answer to your question here. Similarly, what is meaning of odd words?

Odd Words. The section on Odd words is a section that assesses the candidate's ability to identify and pick a word or even an arrangement of letters that don't belong to the collection.

Beside above, what is an odd person? Odd means unpaired, occasional, strange or unusual, or a person who is viewed as eccentric.

One may also ask, what are some odd words?

Here are the fifteen most unusual words in the English language.

  • Serendipity. This word appears in numerous lists of untranslatable words.
  • Gobbledygook.
  • Scrumptious.
  • Agastopia.
  • Halfpace.
  • Impignorate.
  • Jentacular.
  • Nudiustertian.

How do you use odd in a sentence?

odd Sentence Examples

  1. Some of them asked odd questions.
  2. Odd place for a meeting.
  3. An odd ringing sound punctuated the rumbling storm.
  4. She was tough but expressive, a combination he found odd but promising.
  5. No, but there's nothing odd about a Tom cat wandering off for a few days.
  6. Dusty studied him, an odd look crossing his face.