What is the meaning of the Greek suffix metry?

-metry. word-forming element meaning "process of measuring," Middle English -metrie, from Middle French -metrie, from Latin -metria, from Greek -metria "a measuring of," from -metros "measurer of," from metron "measure," from PIE root *me- (2) "to measure."

Read full answer here. Also question is, what does metry mean in Greek?

-metry, a combining form with the meaning "the process of measuring'' that specified by the initial element:anthropometry; chronometry. Greek -metria action or process of measuring, equivalent. to métr(on) measure (see meter2) + -ia -y3.

Subsequently, question is, what does metry mean in medical terms? -metry. (mĕtrē) Suffix for the act or process of measuring. [G. metrein, to measure]

Additionally, what does the Greek root word graph mean?

Graphic Writing There is much to say about the Greek root graph which means 'to write,' so let this 'written' discourse begin! One of the most common uses of this root is in the suffix -graphy. Geography is simply 'writing' about the physical characteristics of the Earth.

What does the suffix Scopy mean?

suffix. The scopy suffix means a study or examination. An example of scopy used as a suffix is an endoscopy, or examining the inside of the body.