What is the new word in Oxford dictionary?

Whatevs, simples, chillax, sumfin and Jafaican have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary. They are among 203 new words which appear in the dictionary for the very first time. Other words which are part of the October 2019 update include Jedi, nomophobia and easy-breezy.

Read complete answer here. In this regard, what is the new word in the dictionary?

The work of revising a dictionary is constant, and it mirrors the culture's need to make sense of the world with words. This means, in other words, that we have the receipts (in a manner of speaking). New additions include 'stan,' 'salutogenesis,' 'buzzy,' 'gig economy,' 'qubit,' and 'garbage time. '

Subsequently, question is, what is the newest word in English? 12 brand-new English words you should learn this week

  • Awesomesauce (adjective) Sauces are the new thumbs: When something is extremely good, feel free to call it awesomesauce.
  • Manspreading (noun)
  • Beer o'clock/ wine o'clock (noun)
  • Butt-dial / pocket-dial (verb)
  • Rage-quit (verb)
  • MacGyver (verb)
  • Mic drop (noun)
  • Mx.

Herein, how many words are in the Oxford English Dictionary 2019?

2019 updates More than 650 new words, senses, and subentries have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary in our latest update, including fake news, xoxo, and Jedi mind trick.

What are the new words of 2019?

40 New Words That Were Added to the Dictionary in 2019

  • of 40. Buzzy. Whether it's the Battle of Winterfell or a popular local restaurant, this word refers to anything everyone can't stop talking about.
  • of 40. Stan.
  • of 40. On-Brand.
  • of 40. Swole.
  • of 40. Screen Time.
  • of 40. Unplug.
  • of 40. Receipts.
  • of 40. Cybersafety.