What is the value of half note?

American name British name Relative value
half note minim 12
quarter note crotchet 14
eighth note quaver 18
sixteenth note semiquaver 116

Click to read full answer. Also asked, how much is a half note worth?

The half note is worth half of the whole note. So if the whole note is worth 4 beats, the half note is worth 2. As long as the top number is 4, we can have 4 beats which means we can put 2 half notes in the measure. To the right are two half notes worth two beats each in 4/4.

Similarly, how much is each music note worth? Reading Music : Note Value

Name (USA) Name (England) Duration
Whole Note Semibreve 4 beats
Half Note Minim 2 beats
Quarter Note Crotchet 1 beat

Also question is, what does a half note?

In music, a half note (American) or minim (British) is a note played for half the duration of a whole note (or semibreve) and twice the duration of a quarter note (or crotchet).

How much is an eighth note worth?

Eighth Note (Quaver) The eighth note is worth ½ of a Quarter note. It may also be considered as a one beat note in 3/8 and similar timings, the 8 on the bottom of the time signature giving the clue that you are counting in eighth notes.