What is the word for hurting yourself?

masochist. Masochism is an eponym — a word named for a person. Leopold von Sacher-Masoch was an Austrian writer in the nineteenth century who described the gratification he got from his own pain and humiliation.

Click to read full detail here. Similarly, it is asked, what is a word for being hard on yourself?

2 arduous, backbreaking, burdensome, exacting, exhausting, fatiguing, formidable, Herculean, laborious, rigorous, strenuous, toilsome, tough, uphill, wearying.

is grumbling synonym of hurt? The word 'hurt' means causing pain or injury. Other synonyms for the word are - damage, wound etc. Grumbling word refers to complaining, about anything person disagrees with, in bad manner. The synonym for this word is - groan, complain.

Also to know, what are synonyms for hurt?

Words popularity by usage frequency

rank word
#25704 woe
#27991 anguish
#30803 detriment
#31141 grieve

What is another word for self inflicted?

Adjective. Voluntarily imposed upon oneself. self-imposed. voluntary.