What is the word school in French?

école. More French words for school. las école noun. school.

Find out everything you need to know about it here. Similarly, it is asked, what do we call school in French?

école. More French words for school. las école noun. school.

One may also ask, what is is called in French? The French translation for “is called” is s'appelle.

Also asked, is school in French feminine?

Others are always feminine, like une voiture (a car), une maison (a house), and une école (a school). And some words are the tricksters of the bunch, taking on different meanings with different genders, like livre, which is a book when masculine but a pound when feminine!

What do they call elementary school in France?

Children stay in elementary school for 5 years until they are 10–11 years-old. The grades are named: CP (cours préparatoire), CE1 (cours élémentaire 1), CE2 (cours élémentaire 2), CM1 (cours moyen 1) and CM2 (cours moyen 2).