What is word for word and sense for sense translation?

Literal translation vs. conveying the sense of the text. Tue, 28.09.2010. Also called as direct translation which is found in everyday usage, literal translation means to render the text from one form the first language to another. In latin it means word-for-word translation rather than sentence translation.

See full answer. In this manner, what does literal translation mean?

Literal translation, direct translation, or word-for-word translation is the rendering of text from one language to another one word at a time with or without conveying the sense of the original whole.

One may also ask, what is functional translation? functional translation. (idea) by Albert Herring. Sat Nov 10 2001 at 14:40:42. A translation of a text or part of a text, or an approach to translation, where the target text is intended to replicate the function of the source text rather than to explain or analyse it in close detail.

Also asked, what are the methods of translation?

There are eight types of translation: word-for-word translation, literal translation, faithful translation, semantic translation, adaptive translation, free translation, idiomatic translation, and communicative translation.

What is faithful translation?

Faithful translation simply means the translator aims to convey the author's intention of the text (what the author was intending to communicate) as faithfully as possible into another language. Adaptation translation is about communicating meaning through “adapting” the translation for a particular market or style.