What type of word is built?

Built is defined as something which was constructed, or is the past tense of to build.

Read complete answer here. Likewise, people ask, is built an adjective?

adjective. Informal. of sound or sturdy construction: These cars are really built. having a good physique or figure: That lifeguard is really built!

Furthermore, what part of speech is built? build

part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: builds, building, built

Herein, what type of verb is built?

Conjugation of 'Build'

Base Form (Infinitive): Build
Past Simple: Built
Past Participle: Built
3rd Person Singular: Builds
Present Participle/Gerund: Building

Is built a noun or verb?

Noun. built (plural builts) (obsolete) Shape; build; form of structure.