What's a word that means not caring?

adjective. without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others. having no bias, prejudice, or preference; impartial; disinterested.

View more on it here. Likewise, people ask, what are some words for caring?


  • kind, kind-hearted, warm-hearted, soft-hearted, tender, feeling.
  • concerned, attentive, thoughtful, solicitous, responsible, considerate.
  • affectionate, loving, doting, fond, warm, benevolent, benign, humane, good-natured, gentle, mild, indulgent, sympathetic, understanding, receptive, compassionate, charitable, gracious.

Furthermore, what are synonyms for uncaring? Synonyms for uncaring

  • callous.
  • heartless.
  • unemotional.
  • unsympathetic.
  • aloof.
  • blasé
  • cold.
  • cool.

Regarding this, what does not caring mean?

not caring or troubling; having no care or concern; unconcerned (usually followed by of, about, or in): careless of the rights of others; careless about one's behavior; careless in speech. possessed or caused without effort or art; unstudied: careless beauty.

What is another word for loving and caring?

Words related to loving affectionate, generous, attentive, amiable, faithful, cordial, benevolent, loyal, devoted, friendly, earnest, thoughtful, warm, dear, passionate, considerate, doting, romantic, caring, admiring.