What's another word for not caring?

without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others. having no bias, prejudice, or preference; impartial; disinterested.

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not caring or troubling; having no care or concern; unconcerned (usually followed by of, about, or in): careless of the rights of others; careless about one's behavior; careless in speech. possessed or caused without effort or art; unstudied: careless beauty.

what is a word for caring? concerned, attentive, thoughtful, solicitous, responsible, considerate. affectionate, loving, doting, fond, warm, benevolent, benign, humane, good-natured, gentle, mild, indulgent, sympathetic, understanding, receptive, compassionate, charitable, gracious.

what can I say instead of I don't care?

Come on, don't act like you don't care. “I don't care!”

Various Other Ways of Saying “I Don't Care!”

  • K.
  • Oh, mmmkay.
  • Tell me less.
  • Yeah, nah.
  • I could care less, but not much.
  • I'm not carefree. I'm free to care. I just never do.
  • Next!
  • Who gives a rat's ass?

Is saying I don t care rude?

In American 'I don't care' means I'm happy with either possibility. You can decide because I like both alternatives. If we say 'I don't care' in British English, it means we're apathetic – we're not interested. I don't care is often rude in British English.