What's another word for not focused?

Distracted adj. unable to concentrate because one's mind is preoccupied. Absent-minded adj. Inattentive adj. not paying attention to something/somebody.

Read in-depth answer here. Also to know is, what is a antonym for focused?

(of light rays) converging on a point. "focused light rays can set something afire" Antonyms: unfocussed, diverging, divergent, unadjusted, unfocused.

One may also ask, what is a word for easily distracted? Adjective Synonyms. Distractable. distractible. easily sidetracked.

Herein, what do you call a person who is focused?

The word "concentrate" comes closest to the meaning you pose - verb (to concentrate), noun (concentration), adj/adv (concentrated/ly). You call them a person who can concentrate on a thing https://www.thefreedictionary.com/concentrate.

Is focused an adjective?

The adjective focused derives from the verb focus, which means to fix on a central point. When you are focused on school, all your attention is fixed on one thing: school. When your telescope is focused on Jupiter, you have aligned the lenses with where Jupiter is in the sky.