Where can I find Coeurl whiskers in Final Fantasy 15?

One of the locations that you can find a coeurl is in Keycatrich Ruins. Go inside the ruins, run to the abandoned tank, go between the rocks, and you should see the beast on the left. Another place where coeurls spawn is in the Kelbass Grasslands. On the east side of the Grasslands, there's a large hill.

Rest of the detail can be read here. Similarly, you may ask, how do you get a bundle of Coeurl whiskers?

According to a YouTube video posted by GamerForEternity, the most reliable way to acquire Coeurl Whiskers is by completing a hunt quest called "Hunters of Secullam Pass." In order to get this mission, fast travel to Outpost: Taelpar Rest Area and talk to the tipster inside the restaurant.

Furthermore, where can I find cactuar FFXV? One place we've been able to reliably find them is in Leide – just north-west of Hammerhead and north of Longwythe on the map. They also definitely appear in Duscae, and tend to be found around the Perpetouss Keep enemy base area.

Correspondingly, how many Coeurl whiskers do you need?

A Better Drain Lance II To get one of their whiskers, the surest place to find one is the Keycatrich Ruins which is at the Northernmost point of Leide. Just kill Coeurls until you get at least one Coeurl Whiskers to drop. Once you have them, head back to Cid and hand them over.

How do you kill Coeurl?

Attacking it while a coeurl is charging its whiskers in a sitting down position is best done via warp-strike, attacking from behind, or unleashing a Technique, to avoid being caught by its attack.